TIPS on eating mindfully before and during the holidays
Christmas is in 1 week. New Year’s Day is in 2 weeks. What are you doing from now until then? In order to set yourself up for success,...

DO NOT wait until the new year to make a commitment to improve your health
The title could also be: DO NOT wait until the new year to make a commitment to lose weight (if weight loss is your initial goal...) Why...

![OPTAVIA [ALL IN] Leadership Training in White Plains, NY](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/9f669f_29265b1abe1a4ba38e56c601adaf51eb~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_319,h_240,fp_0.50_0.50,q_90,enc_auto/9f669f_29265b1abe1a4ba38e56c601adaf51eb~mv2.webp)
OPTAVIA [ALL IN] Leadership Training in White Plains, NY
Partnered up with Jeremy to kick off the "Systems Check" We’re back home! For 2.5 weeks anyway…well, for me. John travels again for work...
"All Natural" - What Does That Mean?
When you see "All Natural" on products, what do you think? Some have told me when they see "All Natural", it means that its real? Has...
Snacking: essential or non-essential?
Let's be honest. Finding healthy snacks is a daunting task. Is snacking necessary though? Many of my clients have claimed to not be...
The Golden Rule of Satiety
What do you think of when you hear or see "the golden rule"? Probably many things. There are plenty of things in different areas that can...